The Perfect Solution for your Jogging Stroller

Trying to stay fit as a parent of a young child can be rather taxing at times. Parents are always searching for the most efficient ways to exercise while simultaneously multitasking other things, like taking their baby out for a walk in a jogging stroller.

Jogging strollers seem like the perfect solution for parents on the go, however, there are still so many hurdles that parents face whilst trying to get their daily steps in check. Many parents find it harder to keep a good grip on the stroller during a jog as their palms tend to get sweaty and slippery.

This makes it difficult to run at a steady pace and keep control of the jogging stroller at the same time. A conventional jogging stroller also does not allow for as much movement as you would have while taking a normal jog. This means that the body is definitely a lot more susceptible to an injury during a jog. Even if the injury is not prominent or immediate, the possibility of long-term effects is considerably high.

Kurt Musshorn of Plainville, CT noticed the challenges that many parents face with regards to using a jogging stroller. As a parent trying to stay fit, he experienced some of these challenges himself. After tirelessly searching for a product that will solve all of the problems he encountered, he came up with an idea which inspired him to develop a device that will assist parents to jog safely without the risk of injury or an unforeseen accident.

Introducing: Joy Ryder!

Joy Ryder is an attachable handle system that can be used to improve your grip and body movements during a run with the jogging stroller. The invention was created with the motive of giving parents better control of the stroller as well as maintain the natural arm-swing motion while jogging. Improper form is one of the biggest causes of muscle related injury and back pain over time. Joy Ryder ensures that parents no longer have to face these challenges again.

Joy Ryder is a handle system that contains an internal spring within itself. The springs work in a push and pull motion which allows it to return to its normal position after pushing the handle forward. The invention allows you to maintain an impeccable grip on the stroller as it is in a vertical position and there is a reduced risk of your hands slipping off. The movement of the spring helps to maintain the natural movement of the body while jogging so that you don’t experience any injuries due to improper form.

All-in-all, Joy Ryder provides a workout so good, you won’t even feel like you are multitasking with your little one. It offers convenient storage options as the invention can also stay attached to rear and forward folding strollers when being stored in your car or closet.

Contact us NOW to learn about manufacturing, retail, wholesale, distribution, or licensing opportunities for Joy Ryder.